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Enjoy photos of the Manitou Incline? Use coupon code calendar2020 through December 31st to receive 25% off Manitou Incline photos and gifts.

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Manitou Incline Calendar 2014

Manitou Incline Calendar 2014 Cover
For 2014 you can have a calendar showing your favorite hike hanging on your wall. Not only that but a portion of the purchase price will go to the Incline Friends to benefit the Manitou Incline.

2014 Manitou Incline Calendar - December
Click to See Sample Month
The calendar is a standard wall calendar with each page 11×8.5 inches. See below for the photos on the calendar. There’s also a surprise one for this month so you can start using it as soon as you get it.

The calendars were through pre-ordering but I ordered some extra. I have a few left but am almost out so order now if you want one. $3 per calendar will go to Incline Friends.

Have questions? Contact me here.

Have the Manitou Incline calendar shipped to you. $4 shipping for 1st calendar and $1 for each additional (US only shipping).
$17.95 $12.95
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The Great Incline Pumpkin Escape

Manitou Incline Jack-o-Lantern

This past weekend I carved up a Manitou Incline jack-o-lantern. I’ve had this shot as the cover photo on the Manitou Incline Hike Facebook page for a few days.

I was inspired by the great Incline Friends pumpkin that Roger Austin took to the top of the Incline last year. Roger also did another Incline pumpkin the year before.

Like Roger I planned to take the pumpkin to the top of the Incline. It was a fair sized pumpkin and barely fit into my large backpacking pack.

Last evening I loaded up the pumpkin and hit the Incline a little before dark as the last few hikers of the day were coming down. I knew it would add to the challenge of the Incline but I used to carry my daughter up in the backpack. The pumpkin wasn’t as heavy as my daughter when I quit carrying her up but I still definitely felt it.

I got to the top of the Incline and prepared to shot some photos of the pumpkin. I had it sitting just above the top tie. I was trying different camera angles before setting up the tripod.

As I was looking into the camera view finder, it appeared the pumpkin was moving. Sure enough it fell over and started rolling. It quickly disappeared into the darkness and I could hear it shattering into pieces on the ties below.

Once again Roger carved a great Incline pumpkin and hauled it to the top this morning. He takes better care of his pumpkins and got this shot of his latest one.

Manitou Incline Pumpkin from Roger Austin
Manitou Incline Pumpkin from Roger Austin
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Emma Crawford Races October 26, 2013

The Emma Crawford Coffin races are tomorrow October 26, 2013. The races are noon until 3 PM. I don’t know when Manitou Avenue will be closed but I’d expect by mid morning it’ll be tough to find parking in Manitou.

If you plan on hiking the Incline tomorrow, go early or late or plan on some craziness. Of course if you’re spectating or participating in the coffin races, you’ll already be in Manitou so you should make a trip up the Incline.

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What’s Important to You in Colorado Springs?

Missing Ties on Manitou Incline

Nick Kittle wants to know what’s important to the people of Colorado Springs. Nick used to work for Colorado Springs doing sustainability stuff but now runs his own company, Sustainovation LLC.

To find out what’s important to Colorado Springs residents, Nick created a survey with 22 possible local projects. You can chose up to 5 and rank them in importance. There’s also a box to add something that’s not on the list. It’s not an official survey but Nick likes to get things done and has connections so it’s a good way to get your voice heard.

There are several outdoor related projects including Manitou Incline improvements. I’m not sure the Incline needs to be improved but it does need to be stabilized and maintained so it doesn’t deteriorate further. Other outdoor projects include Ring the Peak (Pikes Peak), Implement the Bike Master Plan, Bike share program and Pikes Peak Greenway improvements (including waterway fixes/trail, etc).

Deadline to complete the survey is Friday October 25th at midnight. Go fill out the survey and get your voice heard!

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Incline Work Day October 2013

Manitou Incline Work Day

Last Saturday, October 12, 2013, I got up early and headed up the Incline at 6 AM to get some Incline sunrise photos. I ran down the Incline to get back for the Incline Friends work day.

Volunteers filled erosion gullies on the lower part of the Incline. Gravel that has made the Incline narrow through the hill cut was removed and made that area the widest it’s been in several years. Some social trails were also blocked off and seeded. Please stay on the trails!

A big thanks to everyone you came out and to La’au’s Taco Shop for the yummy lunch!

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Fall Manitou Incline T-Shirts


Manitou Incline Profile T-shirtFall Manitou Incline t-shirts are available to pre-order now through Thursday afternoon.

I’m using a t-shirt site that does pre-orders and then they print and ship them. It should make it simple for you and me. Order one now as they won’t be available after Thursday!

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Incline Photos October 12, 2013

Sunrise from Manitou Incline

I went up the Incline on Saturday October 12, 2013 before the Incline work day to try getting some sunrise photos. The ties were frosty so I had to be extra careful.

At first it didn’t look promising for sunrise but then the sun popped up from behind the low clouds. Some great color for a few minutes as the sun rose through the lower and upper layers of clouds.

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Incline Work Day

Rain Washed Manitou Incline

The Manitou Incline is constantly being eroding with it’s steep grade. This summer’s rains have been hard on the Incline. A planned workday in September got canceled since city resources to support the work day were needed elsewhere because of the flooding.

The Incline work day has been rescheduled for October 12th, 2013. Volunteers will meet at 7:30 AM in the Barr Trail parking lot with work commencing at 8 AM. Trail work will end around 1 PM.

The work day will be for trail clean up and some trail restoration. LA’AU’S taco shop will be providing lunch for volunteers.

Details are still being worked out but there may be a shuttle for volunteers from the Tajine Alami restaurant. Registered volunteers will be given details closer to the work day if there will be a shuttle.

To register, please call 385-6532 or e-mail Tilah Larson at as they’d like an accurate head count prior to the work day. If you’re able to go last minute and haven’t registered, you can just show up at the Barr parking lot. Really try to register though since it’ll help them plan work and lunch.

Check the Incline Friends site for the latest updates.

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